Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The value behind professional resume writing - Sterling Career Concepts

The value behind professional resume writing The value behind professional resume writing I read aQA post in this past weekends Sunday Journal debating the value of professional resume writing, and I wanted to walk through six scenarios (out of many) where hiring a professional resume writer is worth the investment: Career changers who need to identify,highlight, and draw parallels to transferrable skills. People who have a tough time identifying their own successes. The process of developing your resume with a qualified professional resume writer will help you identify your strengths and accomplishments. This in turnhelps you prepare for interviews. People who arent good at expressing their thoughts in writing. This can include more artisticpersonalities,sales professionals, or those who focus more on the big picture, not the details. People who preferto partner with professionals for their expertise onspecific projects. I discussed this concept in an earlier post, but examples include working with an attorney on your will, a tax accountant to complete yourtax return, a financial advisor for your financial planning or on a more personal scale,an interior decorator, home stager, or wedding planner. The point is yourecognize the value in partnering with experts in specific fields formaximum efficiencyand results. Resume developmentand job searching is an intermittent activity for people. You cant be expected to bean expert in something you last did 3, 5, or 7 years ago, but weare. Its our job to stay on top of trends andbest practices. Someone who has neverneeded a resume for earliercareer moves, but is now faced with the daunting task of creating one from scratch after 10, 15, or 20 years.This can include entrepreneurs, employees of family-owned businesses, or professionals who successfully networked into each of their past positions. Someone whos existing resume is not securing interviews and has tried to make their own improvements. It may be time for a professional second opinion. If you find yourself in this scenario, you have to consider what its costing you to not work with a professional resume writer. What you dont know about resumestrategy may be hindering your job search efforts. One rather large caveat does apply: Not all professional resume writers are created equal. Do your research. Speak to several writers. Review their qualifications. Are they a member of one or more professional associations? Are they certified? What does their background experience include? Do you feel comfortable speaking with them? Are you able to develop a rapport with him/her during your call? The bottom line? Do your research. Tread lightly until you feel comfortable with who youre hiring, but realize that not hiring a professional to help you with your career marketing documents may be leaving you at a disadvantage and extending your job search unnecessarily. Why do that to yourself when you can tap into a writers expert knowledge base. Related posts include: How much will my professionally written resume save me? Free resume critique froma large job board: Proceed with caution

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